Reconvening for one final session about daily prayer, then we will begin a weekly study on Monday nights about the Mass!
Night Prayer will be at 7:30pm on those Monday nights to adjust.
Here's the promo for the upcoming study!
Devotional Journey Into the Mass – Monday evenings at 8pm starting June 29 on Zoom
Does your mind wander at Mass? Do you wonder what you ought to be thinking/praying about during each part of the Mass? Do you understand how to prepare for Mass, before you even leave your house? This eight week series will follow Christopher Carsten’s Book Devotional Journey Into the Mass. Book can be ordered here.
We will dive into each part of the Mass and in learning the history and teaching behind each part of the Mass begin to understand what it means to bring our whole selves and souls to Jesus in the Sacrifice of the Mass.
We would love to have you! However, for security reasons, we can only email or text the Zoom information, so please either:
Join the email list or
Text (770) 609-7784 with your name and whether you are a college student or young adult