Ideas to celebrate the life of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

  • Pray a walking rosary! Bl.Pier Giorgio was known for carrying his rosary around with him always, and didn't hesitate to pray a rosary, whether he was on a train or in the mountains. He also gave rosaries as gifts to his friends.

  • Encourage someone in their faith! Bl. Pier Giorgio encouraged his friends in the pursuit of truth.

  • Attend Mass or Adoration, if prudent for your personal situation at this time. Bl.Pier Giorgio attended daily Mass, and spent many hours in Adoration, especially at night.

  • Bake some cute Bl.Pier Giorgio cookies!

  • Make some artwork! Decorate coloring sheets featuring inspirational quotes from Bl.Pier Giorgio, either with the kids you're babysitting or just for your own stress relief. Coloring isn't just for little kids.

  • Call your grandparents! Bl.Pier Giorgio had a loving relationship with his grandmother Linda, who taught him to pray for the souls in purgatory (a lesson he often put into practice). Here's little Bl. Pier Giorgio with his Nonna!

  • Do something to actively serve the poor, whether it be a financial contribution, or cleaning out your closet so you can donate items at a later time. Bl.Pier Giorgio had such a relationship with the poor that at the time of his funeral, the streets were lined with the poor and needy he had served. In fact, one of his last acts (on the eve of his death) was to write a message to a friend, asking the friend take medicine to Converso, a poor sick man Bl.Pier Giorgio had been visiting.

  • Have a virtual mini-movie night! FrassatiUSA has a compilation of many videos.

  • Cook an Italian meal in his honor (yum!)

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for us!