Marian Consecration

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Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is not an ordinary school. It is the best way to cultivate a deeper relationship with Christ, to enter into an attitude of listening to receive His grace, and to respond to his love by offering him the gift of ourselves. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the best example of a disciple who listens and offers oneself totally and whose relationship with the Word of God is perfect.

Let it be done to me according to your Word.

The 33-day Marian Consecration preparation to end on the Feast of the Assumption (August 15th) begins on July 13th. It amounts to 33 days of 5-10 minutes of daily reading from the book 33 Days to Morning Glory by Michael E. Gaitley, MIC. St. Louis de Montfort called Marian Consecration the "fastest, easiest, surest, and most perfect way" to become a saint, so it's worth the small amount of effort!

If you want to participate, receive a weekly email encouragement, or have questions, click below. An information session will be held over Zoom on Thursday, July 11, at 7:30 pm.